Rhinoplasty is a well-established procedure that has been helping men and women feel more attractive and self confident for years.

One of the most popular forms of aesthetic surgery, it may be done in two different ways:

  • In closed rhinoplasty, all incisions required to reshape the tip and bridge of the nose are placed inside the nostrils. As a result there are generally no external scars, unless the size of the nostrils is also reduced (alar base reduction.) In this situation, there may be small scars in the furrow between the nostril and the lip. If the tip of the nose requires considerable reshaping, a small scar under the midline of the nose may also be necessary.
  • In open rhinoplasty in addition to the incisions inside the nostrils, there is a small incision placed on the columella (the small bridge of skin between the nostrils.) Some surgeons prefer this approach because it gives them greater control if intricate reshaping is required for the cartilages in the tip of the nose. The advent of computer simulation in the preparation for surgery, leads to greater accuracy of the planning process and therefore higher expectations from the patient. Our practice believes open tip rhinoplasty offers a more accurate way of achieving these specific targets.

During your consultation, your surgeon will ask about your general medical history and any previous surgeries or injuries to your nose. He’ll also want to know how well you are currently breathing through your nose.

He will be especially interested in why you are unhappy with the appearance of your nose and what results you are hoping your procedure will achieve. Most people would like their noses to be smaller. In some cases, though, an increase in size may be appropriate.

  • It is very important that you be entirely forthright with your surgeon about what kind of nose you would like to have. People sometimes fail to describe their true expectations, asking for an average nose when, in reality, they have a very specific size and shape in mind. Only by telling your surgeon exactly what you want can you and he determine whether it is possible and desirable.
  • At the same time, you need to be aware that everyone is different and what may work well for one person may not work well for another. For example, skin thickness varies enormously and a small, delicate nose and rarely be made from a large, thickened one.
  • Feel free to bring photographs of noses you admire.
  • Your surgeon may also use computer simulations to help you see what changes are feasible and what they would look like. These simulations can often help patients describe the results they want and the changes they would like to avoid. You need to be aware, though, that a computer simulation is not a guarantee of the result, as each person’s tissues have their own healing pattern that may influence the outcome to some extent.
  • This discussion of the kind and degree of change you want will determine which type of procedure your surgeon recommends.

Gastric band

What is the gastric band?

Gastric band is one the most popular weight loss surgeries. It is also one of the least invasive treatments with lowered risks and side effects. It is less invasive than other bariatric surgeries in terms that it is reversible and thus carries less complications. The gastric band is also known as the Lap-Band which is its trademark name.
There are many other gastric bands on the market with 3 generally used in the EU and in the UK: Swedish Band, Lap-band and the Mid-band. The Lap-band offers the greater range of infill from 4 ml to 14 ml.

Who are the best candidates for the gastric band?

Gastric banding is generally best suited to people who are overweight with a BMI (Body Mass Index) greater than 35, although in some case those with a BMI of between 30 and 35 may be suitable. The suitability of the patient will be determined at the time of the consultation by the surgeon.
Other important factors:
  • You have been overweight for over five years.
  • Your weight-loss attempts have had only short term success, for example “yo yo” dieting
  • You are not suffering from any other disease that may have caused your weight gain.
  • You are prepared to make a daily commitment and change in your eating habits and lifestyle.
  • You are willing and eager to being monitored by the specialist treating you.
  • You do not drink alcohol in excess.
  • You do not smoke.
At the time of your consultation, you will be carefully assessed by the surgeon as each individual is different in anatomy and BMI are rough estimates not taking into account large bone and muscle mass.

How is the gastric banding surgery carried out?

The band is inserted through “keyhole surgery” also know as laparoscopic surgery. The operation takes usually 1 hour under a general anaesthetic. You will be required to stay one night at the hospital. “Keyhole surgery” is used to reduce scars and recovery time from surgery.

The main benefits of the gastric band

  • Reversible – Even though it is reversible, the gastric band can be kept for a lifetime and is not affected by pregnancy. Once the band is removed the stomach returns to normal.
  • Minimal Scarring – Keyhole surgery involves small incisions where the surgical instruments are past through.
  • No cutting or stapling of the stomach
  • Short hospital stay
  • Quick recovery
  • No nutrition deficiency due to malabsorption
  • Overall less complications post surgery compared to other bariatric surgery