Facelift In Tunisia

A face lift, is a popular cosmetic surgery treatment for smoothing sagging facial skin. A face lift tackles skin that has lost elasticity with age, and is ideal for men or women who are concerned with deep wrinkles and loose skin on the lower two-thirds of the face. The results can dramatically rejuvenate your face by tightening the skin and smoothing out wrinkles. We offer you this intervention at an affordable cost.

Anatomic areas

Face :

  • Forehead
  • Eyelids
  • Corners of the eyes
  • cheekbones
  • jowls
  • cheeks
  • Corner or the the lips
  • Naso-labial folds
  • Oval of the face
  • Neck


  • Sagging skin
  • Sagging muslces
  • Wrinkles, fine lines and dark spots

There are several type of facelifts each type of lift can treat one or more areas of the face. We can mention:

  • The forehead lift
  • The eyelid lift
  • The cheekbone lift
  • The oval of the face and the neck

Duration of the intervention:

The duration varies according to the type of intervention : between 1 and 3 hours.

Postoperative instruction

  • Pain : weak
  • Appearance : Oedema and some bruises
  • Care : Absorbable sutures, bandages are removed before leaving the clinic .
  • Rest : from 7 to 10 days

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Rhinoplasty is a well-established procedure that has been helping men and women feel more attractive and self confident for years.

One of the most popular forms of aesthetic surgery, it may be done in two different ways:

  • In closed rhinoplasty, all incisions required to reshape the tip and bridge of the nose are placed inside the nostrils. As a result there are generally no external scars, unless the size of the nostrils is also reduced (alar base reduction.) In this situation, there may be small scars in the furrow between the nostril and the lip. If the tip of the nose requires considerable reshaping, a small scar under the midline of the nose may also be necessary.
  • In open rhinoplasty in addition to the incisions inside the nostrils, there is a small incision placed on the columella (the small bridge of skin between the nostrils.) Some surgeons prefer this approach because it gives them greater control if intricate reshaping is required for the cartilages in the tip of the nose. The advent of computer simulation in the preparation for surgery, leads to greater accuracy of the planning process and therefore higher expectations from the patient. Our practice believes open tip rhinoplasty offers a more accurate way of achieving these specific targets.

During your consultation, your surgeon will ask about your general medical history and any previous surgeries or injuries to your nose. He’ll also want to know how well you are currently breathing through your nose.

He will be especially interested in why you are unhappy with the appearance of your nose and what results you are hoping your procedure will achieve. Most people would like their noses to be smaller. In some cases, though, an increase in size may be appropriate.

  • It is very important that you be entirely forthright with your surgeon about what kind of nose you would like to have. People sometimes fail to describe their true expectations, asking for an average nose when, in reality, they have a very specific size and shape in mind. Only by telling your surgeon exactly what you want can you and he determine whether it is possible and desirable.
  • At the same time, you need to be aware that everyone is different and what may work well for one person may not work well for another. For example, skin thickness varies enormously and a small, delicate nose and rarely be made from a large, thickened one.
  • Feel free to bring photographs of noses you admire.
  • Your surgeon may also use computer simulations to help you see what changes are feasible and what they would look like. These simulations can often help patients describe the results they want and the changes they would like to avoid. You need to be aware, though, that a computer simulation is not a guarantee of the result, as each person’s tissues have their own healing pattern that may influence the outcome to some extent.
  • This discussion of the kind and degree of change you want will determine which type of procedure your surgeon recommends.

Gastric band

What is the gastric band?

Gastric band is one the most popular weight loss surgeries. It is also one of the least invasive treatments with lowered risks and side effects. It is less invasive than other bariatric surgeries in terms that it is reversible and thus carries less complications. The gastric band is also known as the Lap-Band which is its trademark name.
There are many other gastric bands on the market with 3 generally used in the EU and in the UK: Swedish Band, Lap-band and the Mid-band. The Lap-band offers the greater range of infill from 4 ml to 14 ml.

Who are the best candidates for the gastric band?

Gastric banding is generally best suited to people who are overweight with a BMI (Body Mass Index) greater than 35, although in some case those with a BMI of between 30 and 35 may be suitable. The suitability of the patient will be determined at the time of the consultation by the surgeon.
Other important factors:
  • You have been overweight for over five years.
  • Your weight-loss attempts have had only short term success, for example “yo yo” dieting
  • You are not suffering from any other disease that may have caused your weight gain.
  • You are prepared to make a daily commitment and change in your eating habits and lifestyle.
  • You are willing and eager to being monitored by the specialist treating you.
  • You do not drink alcohol in excess.
  • You do not smoke.
At the time of your consultation, you will be carefully assessed by the surgeon as each individual is different in anatomy and BMI are rough estimates not taking into account large bone and muscle mass.

How is the gastric banding surgery carried out?

The band is inserted through “keyhole surgery” also know as laparoscopic surgery. The operation takes usually 1 hour under a general anaesthetic. You will be required to stay one night at the hospital. “Keyhole surgery” is used to reduce scars and recovery time from surgery.

The main benefits of the gastric band

  • Reversible – Even though it is reversible, the gastric band can be kept for a lifetime and is not affected by pregnancy. Once the band is removed the stomach returns to normal.
  • Minimal Scarring – Keyhole surgery involves small incisions where the surgical instruments are past through.
  • No cutting or stapling of the stomach
  • Short hospital stay
  • Quick recovery
  • No nutrition deficiency due to malabsorption
  • Overall less complications post surgery compared to other bariatric surgery

Teeth Whitening In Tunisia

Several products such as tea, coffee or cigarettes end up damaging the teeth. Over the years, the teeth eventually lose their natural luster and become more yellowish. Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dental procedure that makes this process reversible yellowing and offers the possibility to regain a bright smile, which dares to show.

In Tunisia, teeth whitening is performed by experienced dentists at reduced prices that 40 to 50% cheaper than in Europe.


What are the types of teeth whitening in Tunisia

Two teeth whitening treatment options are available for you. They can be made univocally or mixed way.

Chair bleaching

The entire treatment is performed in the dentist’s cabine. To minimize the number of sessions, highly concentrated and very effective whitening products are used.

Proven techniques used by our dentists also reduce the time of each session (around 30 minutes) and solve heavy indications as those offered by smokers.

Home bleaching

During the diagnosis, the surgeon takes the prints of the jaws from top and bottom. These prints will enable him to carry out gutters in which he will put a bleaching gel.

During the second session in Tunisia, the patient tries his gutters then will be informed about the terms of use of the device at home.

Whitening effect that lasts 5 years

Recently, this practice has been revolutionized by the application of the gutter, highly maintained, and which is placed under a UV light. The result is a teeth brightening one or two tones for an effect that lasts about five years. On condition to avoid products which yellows the teeth, to stand for good dental hygiene and make regular cleanings.

Breast lipofilling

Breast Lipo


The breast lipofilling surgery is an intervention that increases the size of the breast by using the patient’s own fat. This is a procedure that takes place over two stages :

  • Liposuction of fat from certain areas (where the patient has unwanted fat) .
  • Injection of fat under the breasts .

Anatomic areas :

The chest and sampling areas of excess fat (belly, thighs, saddlebags ….)

Approximate duration of the intervention :

From 2 H to 2H30

Postoperative instructions :

  • Pain : weak .
  • Appearance : Odema and bruises .
  • Care : Bandages and surgical bra .
  • Rest : Between 7 to 10 days .

Complementary interventions :

This intervention can be associated with any other intervention .

Hyaluronic acid

Reducing facial wrinkles and lines! hyaluronic acid may be a good choice as a dermal filler because of its compatibility with the human body.

Hyaluronic acid

In fact, this substance is found in almost every single living thing. In humans, it acts as a network that transfers essential nutrients from the bloodstream to skin cells. Hyaluronic acid is a natural substance found in your body. High concentrations are found in soft connective tissues and in the fluid surrounding your eyes. It’s also in some cartilage and joint fluids, as well as skin tissue. It is extracted and reformulated and now has become one of the most popular kinds of injectable fillers. If the term sounds familiar, it’s because the same substance is often injected into the aching joints of people with arthritis to ease pain and provide extra cushioning. Hyaluronic acid is not derived from animal sources. When this gel is injected, it acts like an inflated cushion to support facial structures and tissues that may have lost volume or elasticity due to normal aging. It also brings water to the surface of skin to keep it looking fresh and supple. In the last few decades, various synthetic forms of hyaluronic acid have been developed and used to correct disorders in the fields of rheumatology, ophthalmology, and wound repair. More recently, synthetic forms of hyaluronic acid are being manufactured for use in face augmentation.

Possible areas

  • Smile Lines
  • Lip Border
  • Lip Border
  • Vertical Lip Lines
  • Marionette Lines
  • Acne Scars
  • Frown Lines
  • Crow’s Feet

3 Trends Are Changing the Face of Plastic Surgery

A new drug designed to erase a patient’s double chin is getting a lot of attention this week, but plastic surgeons say the biggest trends in the field are actually in other parts of the body.

While the focus this week was on Kybella—an injection that destroys fat cells beneath the chin and was just approved by the Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday—doctors said women are focusing on three other goals: bigger butts, smaller labia and a smoother, fattier face.

Liposuction and breast augmentation are still the most commonly done procedures, but plastic surgeons said that cultural shifts and breakthroughs in science have recently boosted the popularity of some less well-known procedures.

The biggest jump in 2014 was in buttock augmentation, which spiked 86% compared to the previous year, according to statistics compiled by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. The total number of such procedures was 21,446 in 2014, according to an estimated projection based on questionnaires collected from 786 practicing plastic surgeons, otolaryngologists and dermatologists (a fraction of the 342, 094 liposuctions performed.) Dr. Michael Edwards, president of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, attributes the trend to high-profile celebrities like Kim Kardashian, who nearly broke the Internet with her butt last November, but he predicts it will be more of a “blip” than a long-term trend.

More surprising perhaps, was the 49% increase last year in labiaplasty, a procedure to reduce the size of or repair the labia minora, the inner labia of female genitalia. The same data from the Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Society put the number of these procedures done in 2014 at 7, 535, a trend Edwards attributed to rising awareness that the procedure is available. Edwards said women can be very self-conscious if their labia are big enough to appear as a bulge when they are wearing a swimsuit, and may also find it more comfortable to do activities such as running if the size is reduced. Some women with pronounced labia can be “devastated” by how bad it is, but when women ask for only a minimal change, he said, “I try to talk them out of it.”

For all the hype this week over a treatment designed to destroy fat cells under the chin, in the future, doctors said that the hottest thing in plastic surgery will involve adding fat to certain parts of the body, like the face. As people age, they lose volume in their face and adding back a little fat, either in addition to a face lift or on its own, will be a popular procedure, said Dr. Edwin Williams, president-elect of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Physicians are just starting to learn why the process, called fat grafting or volumetric restoration, works. “I’ve talked about it for a long time,” says Dr. Sydney Coleman, a plastic surgeon in New York City, “but we are now just beginning to scientifically understand it.” What doctors have learned is that adding fat grafts reorganizes the elastic fibers under the skin, making the patient look more youthful.

Whatever the procedure, it’s clear that Americans can’t quite get enough of plastic surgery. The number of cosmetic procedures done in America has grown six-fold since 1997, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, from 1.7 million to 10.6 million (a slight dip from 2013), costing Americans $12 billion.

Plastic Surgery Prices In Tunisia

Low Cost Plastic Surgery in Tunisia

Facial Surgery

Surgery Residence Price £ Price $
Forehead lift 5 nights & 6 days 1600 £ 2450 $
Temporo-malar face lift
5 nights & 6 days 1600 £ 2450 $
Cervicofacial lift 5 nights & 6 days 1600 £ 2450 $
Complete facelift
6 nights & 7 days 2250 £ 3450 $
Complete facelift & 4 eyelids blepharoplasty
6 nights & 7 days 2650 £ 4100 $
Simple Rhinoplasty
5 nights & 6 days 1500 £ 2300 $
Ethnic Rhinoplasty 5 nights & 6 days 1400 £ 2100 $
Blepharoplasty 2 eyelids 5 nights & 6 days 1150 £ 1750 $
4 eyelids blepharoplasty 5 nights & 6 days 1200 £ 1850 $

Shape Surgery

Surgery Residence Price £ Price $
Abdominoplasty 6 nights & 7 days 1550 £ 2350 $
Complete Liposuction
5 nights & 6 days 1600 £ 2400 $
Buttock augmentation by implants 6 nights & 7 days 2250 £ 3450 $

Arm lifting

5 nights & 6 days 1200 £ 1850 $

Thigh Lifting

5 nights & 6 days 1200 £ 1850 $
Abdominoplasty & liposuction
6 nights & 7 days 2250 £ 3450 $
Belly Liposuction 5 nights & 6 days 1400 £ 2100 $

Breast surgery

Surgery Residence Price £ Price $
Breast augmentation round implants 5 nights & 6 days 1550 £ 2350 $
Breast augmentation round implants
5 nights & 6 days 1550 £ 1350 $
Breast augmentation round implants 5 nights & 6 days 1550 £ 2350 $

Breast augmentation round implants

5 nights & 6 days 1700 £ 2600 $

Breast augmentation anatomical implants

5 nights & 6 days 1850 £ 2800 $
Breast augmentation by injection (Lipofilling)
5 nights & 6 days 1400 £ 2100 $
Breast Reduction 5 nights & 6 days 1550 £ 2350 $

The Iris Implant

This is a silicone iris implant designed for medical use. Ultra durable, this implant is artificial, colorful, very thin and of course compatible with the eye and its physiology after the establishment of the graft.
The surgery takes 15 minutes under general anesthesia. It involves making an incision of 2.8 mm in the cornea to insert a folded implant. The implant opens inside the eye, then the surgeon position it. Most patients can go home the same day.

kallelThe procedure takes 30 minutes, which is 15 minutes per eye. It is performed under local anesthesia. The surgeon makes an incision of a few mm in the cornea in order to place the implant yet folded. The implant will then open to the interior of the eye and the surgeon ceases to insert it correctly.

Before the intervention

  • Preoperative consultation with the anesthetist to eliminate cons-indications.
  • Preoperative consultation with the ophthalmologist including a vision test and eye fundus.
  • It is necessary to stop wearing the lenses 3 weeks before surgery.
  • It is necessary to avoid the makeup 48h before the surgery


The Fillingnatural melting facial tissue (fat, muscle and even bone) which begins very early helps to decrease the brightness of the face. Facial features (eyebrows, cheeks, upper lip, and chin) no longer catch the light. The filling just restores the volume they lost giving a more youthful appearance. The product used is Hyaluronic acid is a non-animal and non-human glucosamine synthesized by bacteria and therefore does not present a risk of intolerance or inflammatory reaction. It is a hydrophilic substance which swells in the water when filled in it; it is presented as a gel. This is to increase the volume of the cheekbones, brow ridges and the upper lip and fill the hollow of vale of tears, nasolabial folds, dark circles and bitterness folds. An anesthetic cream applied one hour before or applying ice is necessary, regional anesthesia makes the bites very bearable.

The treatment is fast and easy. But all wrinkle fillers have a downside, including the risk of allergic reaction and the formation of tiny bumps under the skin. In some cases, those bumps may be permanent. And sometimes, a bluish skin discoloration known as the Tyndall effect happens. The color change can last for several months, but there are treatments available. In very rare cases, skin cells may die if the wrinkle fillers are not used properly. There have also been a few reported cases of blindness and nerve paralysis. Typically, the wrinkle fillers that last longer are the ones more likely to cause side effects.

Following the Filling

The result is immediate and lasts about eight months for superficial injections, 18 months for deep injections.